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    Zachary Ziamus is a writer of unconventional philosophy.


    He spent the last 17 years trying to crack the underlying mathematical code of the universe. In 2022, using his great discovery of the "key of keys", then quickly crack several other great mysteries:


    • a new astrology model that actually works
    • a new set of meanings for letters in the alphabet
    • a new way of undertsanding relationships between colors
    • a new system of sacred geometry


    The key of keys allows you to understand the hidden language underlying all of nature, that is, the language of number. It can also be used as a sort of "master key" to unlock many of the other unsolved mysteries of life.


    The proof? Get a little reading for yourself at astrologyproof.com and also compare your reading to what this astrology says about your close friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and even your favorite celebrities.




    1994 - full-time as a professional psychic at 19 years of age


    1995 - rock drummer with endorsement contract (Mapex + Sabian cymbals)


    1996 - graduated from university (UQ) with a double major in religion


    1999 - well known for a bestselling audio course on psychic development


    2000 - founder of PSYCHIC magazine


    2007 - started his great work "key of keys" it now powers astrologyproof.com


    2016 - invented a new bio-feedback technology muscletest.me


    2017 - president of the World Psychic Organization, visit psychic.org


    2024 - released a new psychic development audio program at psychic.gift


    2025 - Zac will be turning 50 years old and lives on the East Coast of Australia